Appalachian Trail Experience 2006: Just Gene

My AT adventure began on 4/4/06 at Springer Mtn was completed on 8/6/06 at Mt Katahdin. I averaged 18mi/day with an average pack weight of 40lbs. I resupplied every 2 weeks via mail drops and spent lots more money on food along the trail. I took a total of 8 days off spending 6 of them with my wife. I'm looking forward to doing it again...a bit more slowly the next time...:)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

6/10/06 Saturday: Doyle Hotel, Duncannon, PA to Stony Mtn stream/rhododendrums (21mi)

1&2. Nice views looking back toward Duncannon on my ascent of Peters Mtn.
3. A new and interesting hut configuration on Peters Mtn...
I got up for breakfast at a diner across the street and was looking for an excuse to take a zero day... It seemed the other hikers who joined me there were thinking the same But by 0830, I decided to get myself in gear and hit the trail... By 0900 I was out of town and climbing up a 1000" trail leading to Peters Mountain and a ridge I would follow N for some time... We had all been warned about the "Pensylvania rocks" and that they would start to harrass us after Duncannon... Well they wernt lying... I got my first tast for the rocks and it does slow you down... So although the terrain was relatively flat, the averages of 3mph were no longer possible as I weaved and jumped between and from on boulder to another... There wernt many views on "Peters Mtn" so I concentrated on moving as quickly as possible... About 2 hours into my hike I encountered a "young man" who chilled me as he darted out of the woods as I walked N up the trail... He didnt look the part of a hiker, more one of a homeless person and though the temps were in the 70s, he was wrapped in old, dirty, torn clothes. Only parts showing were his face and hands... After my initial fright, I approached him and decided to put on a strong front... We exchanged greetings and chatted a bit, he said he had come down from New York on the trail and was headed for Georgia...He asked me for some matches but I told him they were "buried" in my pack and would be a hassel to get to... I didnt really want to empty my pack in front of him... He said he was headed into town, to the Doyle and asked if they had food in the "hiker boxes" there... I told him yes, there was plenty and bid him good day... He seemed like a nice enough guy but certainly was out of place with his day pack on such a long journey... Just didnt add up... I kept looking over my shoulder for some time after we parted... Later that same morning I passed a couple of southbound hikers and I recounted my story... I was also worried about skunk and other women who ofter walk solo... A few hours later I met an ATC RidgeRunner... He's employed by the ATC and the local trail club in conjunction with the local and national authorities to keep the trail safe... After commenting on what a great job his club was doing with the trail and the shelters, I again recounted my story to him... He said he would keep an eye out for this person and chat with him about his plans... A few nights later, I stayed with some other hikers who claimed to have shared a shelter with this person... The young lady said she was very concerned for her safety by his presence there, asking some hikers for food and others for money... I felt justified in my concern and am not sure what if anything has come to pass... I finally descended from Peters Mtn and began my ascent of Stony Mountain... I passed a group of teenagers resting on the trail, part of an "Outward Bound" type group from Boiling Springs, they all had the "ARE WE THERE YET" look on their faces...LOL... I chatted with the young lady in charge of the group for a bit and knew these kids were experiencing something that would affect them for the rest of their lives. I recalled my teenage Youth Concervation Corps experience of 1975 and its long lasting effect it has had on my life... I bid them all a nice night and continued on... At 1630 and after 15miles, I stopped at a spring on Stony Mtn for a relaxing dinner.... The southbound hikers I had met earlier this day mentioned a campground near a creek and rhododendrums... After about another 6 miles a came across just such a setting and set up camp among the pines, flowers, and passing deer... What a peaceful setting after such a long day... I slept well here...

6/09/06 Friday: Super 8, Carlisle, PA to Doyle Hotel, Duncannon, PA (15.5mi)

1. Early morning walk through farmland
2. Something wrong with this pic... Thats a culvert from the road above the trail.. I hate to be some unsuspecting hiker passing thru during a downpour!!!
3. A walk thru some wetlands
4. After a climb we get some views
5. A view of Duncannon on my descent into town..
6. A previous landslide reshaped this portion of the mountain making the hike a bit tricky..
7. Some trail majic just before town
8. A view of the Doyle Hotel in Duncannon, my stop for the day... One of a number of old Budweiser Hotels put up 100 years ago across the country... Needs a little remodeling work too...LOL
9. These two ladies tended bar at the hotel and also assigned rooms to hikers...
10. Hiker dinner later that night at an outdoor Italian restaurant... fun time had by all...

I was up for breakfast at 0600 at the diner across the street again and checked-out by 0700, walking the .4 back to the trail to continue north... It would be another beautiful day; we have had a string of them... I cant remember the last time I was rained on...:)... The day was uneventful until I arrived to a spectacular vista at Hawk Rock overlooking Duncannon... I met a father and young son there and we chatted for a while about the trail and the town they called home... Just before leaving, I handed him my map of the trail south of Duncannon, I would be using a different one tomorrow and I have been leaving them in the shelters to help cut down on the weight... Storm clouds were coming so I excused myself and headed into town.. I encountered more Trail Majic at the bottom of Hawk Mtn...:)... very nice... As I was indulging myself, a few rain drops began to fall so I covered my pack with its rain fly, no need to put a rain coat on since I was all wet from the days perspiration...;)... The trail runs right through town and I almost made it to the Hotel when the first of a series of torrential downpours began... I ducked into a convenience store, bought a pop and a hogie while the weather did its thing... It soon slowed enough for me to briskly walk up to the Doyle without really getting wet... I checked in at about 1400 and the ladies were sizing me up, trying to figure out which bed I would fit into... Apparently they have some pretty short ones... LOL... Anyway I got my room, stark but for $20 better than any shelter Ive stayed in... Laundry and bath for the floor just down the hall and the supermarket would arrive promptly at 1600 to take the hikers to resupply. I had plenty of time to get my stuff done and make the shuttle at 1600... On the shuttle I had the opportunity to meet a number of other hikers and we made dinner arrangements for later that evening... A total of 8 hikers got together and we had a nice Italian meal. At the end of the meal the owner/chef came out to introduce himself and we all chatted about the town, the food, the trail, and the days to come... A wonderful time had by all... Many of the hikers left me with names of other hikers ahead on the trail... They wernt sure if they would catch up to them but seemed pretty sure I would... I stopped at the interned cafe after dinner to do some blogging and check my e-mail. About 2300 their internet system crashed and since they closed at 2400 that was it for me... I turned in at midnight and had a good nights sleep...

6/08/06 Thursday: Pine Grove Furnace to US11 Footbridge (27.6mi)

1. Thats Junker in the middle with the two section hikers that stayed the night.
2. Posing on at the halfway point of the AT, the front porch of the Hostel
3. An old furnace at the Pine Grove State Park where the Park gets its name...
4&5. Trails were pretty nice throught the park today...
6.toughest climb of the day was this 500" hill, pretty steep but not bad just the same...
7. The afternoon found me walking throught rolling farmlands for miles...
8. Encountered trail majic about 1 hour before arriving at the footbridge and the Super8 hotel for the night.

We got a rather late start, taking some time to get some bfast sandwitches at the park store before we all started again... Junker also mentioned that the new official halfway point was the front porch of the we all had to go up there and get our pics taken in front of the sign... By 0945 we all said our good byes and headed on our trek north... Ed and Joe, although they did not start together, were companions now but did hike a bit slower than me... By 1345 I had covered 10mi and stopped on the top of an unnamed hill with a nice view for lunch... I had a lot of ground to cover to make it to the Super 8 motel tonightm but the ground was flat and the walking would be at better than 3mph after I would get off this hill...LOL... I stopped into the Boiling Springs,PA ATC offices at 1700, after completing another 9 miles and got a hogie at a nearby convenience store...:)... I didnt stay long, and within 30min I was again off for the last 8mi of the day into the super 8... About 4 miles out of Boiling Springs I encountered some Trail Majic...:)... and indulged myself before continuing on to my final destination...I arrived at the Super 8 at 2000, it was about .4mi west of the trail but worth the price for the night... I walked across the street for dinner about 2200 at an all night diner and had a large cobb was great...:)... After that I was ready for bed...

6/07/06 Wednesday: Tumbling Run Shelters to Pine Grove Furnace State Park (29.5 mi)

1. Another Black snake, little larger than most I have seen on this trip.
2,3,&4. Some more pleasant portions of the days walk...

Big day ahead, so I was up and out by 0650 on my way to completing what would amount to more than 30miles when you count side trips to see some sights and get water, etc... It was a gorgeous day, cool in the morning with the partly cloudy skies and a mild breeze... My first stop would be for a brunch at Caledonia State Park... There I could get water and use their very nice bathroom facilities...:)...a luxury... There were a number of folks out walking their dogs and getting fresh air and I chatted with a few people over brunch... After resting, eating, and using the facilities, I was again headed north... I was moving pretty quickly to get in these 30 miles before they would close the store at the state park... I didnt know, and had no idea when the the store would close but assumed 1730.. So that was my target... I finally rolled into Pine Grove right at 1730 to find out that they closed at 2000...:)... Plenty of time to get some real food>>>:)... I did find out that the hostel I planned to stay at that night was closed due to the innkeeper being sick... There were a number of hikers hanging out at the store/grill unsure of their next move... I started a conversation with to other hikers, a bit older than me who made arrangements to stay with a hiker who had a guest house with 3 beds... I quickly invited myself along and within 90min, "Junker" had picked all of us up, stopped at a supermarket for some resupplying and use of my debit card for cash back purposes, and finally back to his guest house which turned out to be quite a nice set up... I slepted quite well and the following day was very ready for more high milage...